Húsamaurar á hversvæðum

Húsamaurinn, Hypoponera ergatandria er nokkuð algengur í hituðum byggingum höfuðborgarsvæðisins. Tegundin er vel þekkt meðal ágengra maurategunda víða um heim. Tegundin þrífst best í heitu og röku umhverfi og eru bú því algeng við gamlar hitaveitulagnir. Nýlega fannst þó stakt bú utandyra í heitri jörð á norðurlandi. Þessi uppgötvun vekur margar nýjar spurningar sem spennandi verður að rannsaka á komandi árum.

Hypoponera ergatandria ants are relatively common inside continuously heated buildings in Reykjavík and the surrounding towns, and it is a well-known, widespread, invasive species. It need high temperatures and high humidity levels in order to thrive, and the conditions it can find indoors in Iceland are extremely favorable. However, a colony of ~150 workers was recently found in the North of Iceland in a soaked patch of geothermally-heated ground. This discovery broadens our research horizons to more exciting future investigations.